2019: Year In Review + 2020 Goals

In January of 2010, I was 23 years old, my hair was long, and I was on the process of leaving Brazil to come to America for the first time. First time flying, and it got to be a long international flight. While I said good bye to my friends and family, and held my tears until I got to the plane, the one thing I wouldn’t imagine was that I’d be here writing this post for this blog today. Or one day at all.

In 10 years I got to experience being a teacher, a manager, an events planner, a head of a department, a nanny, a business owner, a content creator, a certified Life Coach, and now, an aspiring filmmaker. And I thought I was going to be a doctor or a biologist when I was about 12… and a Physical Therapist when I attended PT school for almost 3 years back in my home country, only to drop out and come to America again, in 2014.

This is becoming a decade in review, and that’s not really my intention. But I had to give you a little background… because 2019 was the first year of Red Skirt Media. It was also my first year producing content not only for me (barely for me actually), but for other entrepreneurs. And as you can tell already, filming wasn’t in my background at all. In fact, I learned everything I know so far by doing it, and by watching TV. Basically all the years watching MTV while dreaming of being a producer as a teenager, when I had no smartphone and YouTube was definitely not around, paid off?

You tell me!

Last year, I got to work with amazing people to showcase their stories, their mission, to help them stand out in the crowd. I was on set filming for less than 20 days total. I was taking it slow. But I got to deliver over 20 videos, and I still have some to work on to release soon. I also got to become a photographer, and not only for Female Founders and branding. I found out a passion for female portraits I didn’t know I had.

I’m so privileged for having the opportunity to be doing work that I love, believe in, and that gives me the chance to meet and work with amazing womxn (and men too!) along the way. And while 2019 I took it slow, my 2020 business calendar is starting officially today, already with videos to edit, a documentary to work on, a web-series to write and produce, and a series of conversations with entrepreneurs called #DoersProject (where I film and interview women, and post here, monthly), and #DoersTalks, by-weekly live conversations also with women getting real about their journey in business (you can apply to participate here).

This past year was to really take care of myself, my mental health, learn and get clear about my goals. But 2020 is the year to put myself and Red Skirt Media out there (for real), and honor my mission behind my own brand:

“Empower women to be free, grow their business, and live life on their own terms.”

My goals for 2020 are: learn more about the Media Industry, get hands on different equipments and software to make my work even better (already started), be consistent here and on Social, give you 2 videos on marketing and filming monthly (subscribe here!), meet more Female Founders, and give birth to an online course on the steps to start a business for solopreneurs. Sign up here because I’ll also be sending weekly newsletter that you’ll want to read. I promise.

As you can see, I got a lot of work to do. So I’ll sign off here.

To all the women that gave me the chance to work with them in 2019, a huge thank you! <3

Izabelle Azevedo
(Founder of Red Skirt Media)


Doers Project #1: Maggie Germano on Finances, Women Empowerment & Entrepreneurship


Decade in Review: 5 Game-Changing Businesses Founded By Women In The 2010s